A source object returned from creating a source (via
) with the Stripe API.
— an object with the following keys:
Key | Type | Description |
amount | Number | The amount associated with the source |
clientSecret | String | The client secret of the source. Used for client-side polling using a publishable key |
created | Number | When the source was created |
currency | String | The currency associated with the source |
flow | String | The authentication flow of the source. Can be one of: none ‖ redirect ‖ verification ‖ receiver ‖ unknown |
livemode | Bool | Whether or not this source was created in livemode. Will be true if you used your Live Publishable Key, and false if you used your Test Publishable Key |
metadata | Object | A set of key/value pairs associated with the source object |
owner | Object | Information about the owner of the payment instrument |
receiver | Object (Optional) | Information related to the receiver flow. Present if the source is a receiver |
redirect | Object (Optional) | Information related to the redirect flow. Present if the source is authenticated by a redirect |
status | String | The status of the source. Can be one of: pending ‖ chargable ‖ consumed ‖ cancelled ‖ failed |
type | String | The type of the source. Can be one of: bancontact ‖ card ‖ griopay ‖ ideal ‖ sepaDebit ‖ sofort ‖ threeDSecure ‖ alipay ‖ unknown |
usage | String | Whether this source should be reusable or not. Can be one of: reusable ‖ single ‖ unknown |
verification | Object (Optional) | Information related to the verification flow. Present if the source is authenticated by a verification |
details | Object | Information about the source specific to its type |
cardDetails | Object (Optional) | If this is a card source, this property contains information about the card |
sepaDebitDetails | Object (Optional) | If this is a SEPA Debit source, this property contains information about the sepaDebit |
Key | Type | Description |
address | Object (Optional) | Owner’s address |
String (Optional) | Owner’s email address | |
name | String (Optional) | Owner’s full name |
phone | String (Optional) | Owner’s phone number |
verifiedAddress | Object (Optional) | Verified owner’s address |
verifiedEmail | String (Optional) | Verified owner’s email address |
verifiedName | String (Optional) | Verified owner’s full name |
verifiedPhone | String (Optional) | Verified owner’s phone number |
Key | Type | Description |
address | Object | The address of the receiver source. This is the value that should be communicated to the customer to send their funds to |
amountCharged | Number | The total amount charged by you |
amountReceived | Number | The total amount received by the receiver source |
amountReturned | Number | The total amount that was returned to the customer |
Key | Type | Description |
returnURL | String | The URL you provide to redirect the customer to after they authenticated their payment |
status | String | The status of the redirect. Can be one of: pending ‖ succeeded ‖ failed ‖ unknown |
url | String | The URL provided to you to redirect a customer to as part of a redirect authentication flow |
Key | Type | Description |
attemptsRemaining | Number | The number of attempts remaining to authenticate the source object with a verification code |
status | String | The status of the verification. Can be one of: pending ‖ succeeded ‖ failed ‖ unknown |
Key | Type | Description |
last4 | String | The last 4 digits of the card |
expMonth | Number | The card’s expiration month. 1-indexed (i.e. 1 == January) |
expYear | Number | The card’s expiration year |
brand | String | The issuer of the card. Can be one of: JCB ‖ American Express ‖ Visa ‖ Discover ‖ Diners Club ‖ MasterCard ‖ Unknown |
funding (iOS) | String | The funding source for the card. Can be one of: debit ‖ credit ‖ prepaid ‖ unknown |
country | String | Two-letter ISO code representing the issuing country of the card |
threeDSecure | String | Whether 3D Secure is supported or required by the card. Can be one of: required ‖ optional ‖ notSupported ‖ unknown |
Key | Type | Description |
last4 | String | The last 4 digits of the account number |
bankCode | String | The account’s bank code |
country | String | Two-letter ISO code representing the country of the bank account |
fingerprint | String | The account’s fingerprint |
mandateReference | String | The reference of the mandate accepted by your customer |
mandateURL | String | The details of the mandate accepted by your customer |
livemode: false,
amount: 50,
owner: {},
metadata: {},
clientSecret: 'src_client_secret_BLnXIZxZprDmdhw3zv12123L',
details: {
native_url: null,
statement_descriptor: null
type: 'alipay',
redirect: {
url: '',
returnURL: 'example://stripe-redirect?redirect_merchant_name=example',
status: 'succeeded'
usage: 'single',
created: 1504713563,
flow: 'redirect',
currency: 'eur',
status: 'chargable',